"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

You Are Inherently Good


 When our son was about 10, he spotted a turtle in the street near our house. Concerned it would get run over, and thinking that the turtle was trying to get to water, he carried it to our back yard and pointed it in the direction of the river.

Michael was surprised the next day to find the turtle back near the street instead of closer to the river. Again, he carried it to our back yard and pointed it toward the river.

When he found it a third time near the street, we called my sister-in-law Belinda, who’s a veterinarian. She informed us that turtles always go back to where they came from. She advised Michael to put the turtle on the grass, on the other side of the street, pointed in the direction it apparently wanted to go. Michael did so, and we can assume it found its way home because we never saw it again.

God created mankind in his image;
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them…

God looked at everything he had made, and found it very good.– Genesis 1:27, 31


God created us in His image. At our core, we are very good. Unfortunately, thanks to the story of Adam and Eve, we tend to think of ourselves as fallen people who struggle to do good things. The truth is, we are not bad people trying to do what’s good. Rather, we are good people who sometimes do hurtful things to ourselves, to other people, and to our planet.

We feel happy when we experience kindness and love because Love is our origin. The reason that feelings like anger, jealousy, and sadness are uncomfortable, and the reason we’re distressed by illness and hardship, is because these things are contrary to our inherent goodness.

We know that ‘here’ isn’t our true home. Kind of like the turtle, we have a deep desire to connect with where we came from. We’re drawn to people and actions that bring us peace and joy because they allow us to experience the Love that created us: God.

So, take a moment to remind yourself that God created you in His image! You were created in love, for love, and by Love. Keep this in mind as you strive to move toward what is kind and loving, in any way you can. Yes, you will make choices that take you in the opposite direction. When that happens, forgive yourself as you want to be forgiven, turn around, and then start again toward Love.

By the way, Saturday morning the idea came to me out of the blue to write about Michael’s turtle experience. Sunday afternoon we biked on the Towpath, and I took this picture of the large snapping turtle. I thought the timing was pretty cool!  

“Lord, help me remember that You created me, and so I am inherently good.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!

 If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:


Tuesday, October 18, 2022

A Piano, a Thermostat, and Peace


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” – Matthew 5:9


I’ve written about peace in past reflections, and specifically about the difference between making peace and keeping the peace. An experience I had not too long ago let me put this lesson into practice.

At the time, I felt angry over something that was out of my control. I didn’t know what to do. Was I going to vent to anyone willing to listen? Was I going to do nothing except stew over the unfairness of it all? Was I going to get myself in a tizzy by brooding over it?

I realized none of those options were going to produce any good effect. So then I asked myself, “How does Christ want me to handle this? What can I do to make myself feel better? How can I bring His peace to myself and to this situation?” I couldn’t change the circumstances; all I could change was how I handled them.

So, I took a deep breath, and played the piano.

I started by playing what was familiar to me. Then, I just let my fingers go where my heart sent them. As I played, I felt my tense body relax and my racing mind slow down. After a while, I felt my heart soften; kind words even came to mind. I actually was able to see the situation and the people involved through more loving eyes. In other words, I brought peace to my mind, my heart, and my soul through the wonderful mellow sounds of my antique upright piano. I created peace where there had been none, instead of waiting for peace to happen. The circumstances didn’t change, but how I felt about them – and ultimately how I handled them – were covered in Christ’s peace.

In his book Access and Release God’s Peace, Paul Martini makes this statement:

“We can be either a thermostat or a thermometer. Thermometers tell the temperature and climate of a room, but thermostats actually change the temperature and set the climate of a room. Think of the fruit of peace working in you and through you as something that strengthens your thermostat capabilities – your ability to change an environment. As thermostats, we can confront real-life circumstances and choose to express peace until the environment matches what is inside of us… It is impossible to be a peacemaker, at least the way Jesus intended it, without the Prince of Peace taking up residence in our souls. We must stay connected to Jesus and choose to be bold and fearless in peace if we are to grow in peace and strengthen our thermostat capabilities.” (Pages 53-54)

Let’s be bold thermostats. Let’s be proactive in bringing Christ’s peace to ourselves and our world.

“Enlighten me, Lord, so that I may know how to find Your peace.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!

 If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:




Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Why Our Eyes Face Forward


“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but what is still possible for you to do.” – Pope John XXIII

My brain acting like a cassette player can be my worst enemy. This happens when I reflect on a given situation and then let my thoughts fixate on what I wish I had said or done differently. Sometimes I replay the scenario in my head over and over again -- play, rewind, play, rewind, play – getting me stuck in a cycle of unproductive ruminating.

Maybe you do the same thing. If so, be kind to yourself and remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can, where you are, with what you have. Yes, maybe on another day, and knowing what you know now, you would choose your words or actions differently. That day, though, you did your best under the circumstances.

God put our eyes in the front of our heads, not the back, to keep us looking ahead to the next opportunity. He wants us to learn from our past, not stay stuck there. Reflection is productive when it helps us see if there’s a change we should make or some other kind of action to take. Rather than getting stuck on the proverbial hamster wheel of “shoulda-woulda-coulda,”our reflection will help us move forward. (If you’d like to learn more about how our thoughts affect our emotions, Google that phrase.)

God sees the love in your heart and your good intentions. Don’t get stuck on where you fell short; instead, learn from it, let it go, and look ahead to how you may show kindness and compassion through your words and actions. Trust God’s Spirit in you. Let Him guide you, moving you toward deeper love and peace with others and Him.

“Lord, help me look for opportunities to bring You closer to us.”

 Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!

 If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:




Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Instruments of Peace


(Photo credit: Guilherme Rossi)


“Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.”

(Attributed to St. Francis of Assisi)


Christ is called The Prince of Peace (see Isaiah 9:5-6). Throughout Scripture, He brings peace to people through His actions of healing their wounds, freeing their minds, and calming the storms around them. We bring His peace to the people and difficult circumstances around us when we imitate Him.

In his book, Access and Release God’s Peace, Paul Martini writes, “Peace does not mean we are passive; rather, peace is a weapon of advancement for the Kingdom of God that opens doors in the most difficult of areas. Peace is something that we can access so that we can give it away to others – it is not just for us” (page 17). (I highly recommend this insightful and inspiring book!)

Bringing peace means being mindful of Christ’s peace within us and being proactive in letting Him guide our actions. We are instruments of His peace when we give it away.

We sometimes think of ‘peace’ as constant ease and tranquility, but Jesus told us “in the world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). Instead of thinking that peace is the absence of trouble, we access Christ’s peace within us to share it with others and bring His peace to the situation.

We bring peace when we listen to understand, without judging. We bring peace when we show compassion and kindness. We bring peace when we offer an olive branch. Praying for Christ’s peace doesn’t mean praying that someone passively accepts, say, an illness or a difficult situation; it means praying for healing.  

Let’s use the analogy of driving on a highway. How we mistakenly think of Christ’s peace – a constant state of tranquility -- is kind of how we think of cruise control. We mistakenly think that if we set the cruise, our travels on the road will be easy, smooth, and calm. But driving with the cruise turned on is passive. We hardly notice our surroundings until we encounter someone getting too close, and then we may react aggressively. We may feel victimized by our circumstances; this adds stress to the drive. On the other hand, with the cruise turned off, we might drive more mindfully and carefully, making constant, smaller changes to adjust our speed when necessary. We’re more aware and proactive, and this brings peace to our journey.

In life, as on the road, we can be mindful of our circumstances and be proactive in sharing the peace that Christ offers us. We don’t sit by passively waiting for the storms to pass, or trying to accept them as they come. By the actions we choose, we give this peace to the people and circumstances around us. We can be instruments of His peace – to heal, free, and calm our neighbors and the difficult situations they face.

“Lord, show me how to bring Your peace to others.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!

 If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:



Remember 9/11 and Change

Photo credit:  Free-images.com It’s hard to believe that, before 9/11, there was little security at the airport. Anyone could enter the term...