"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Reasons to Hope


There’s more to love about autumn than the glowing Harvest Moon and maple leaves painting the landscape with reds and yellows. Autumn’s charm lies in its unique aura, a combination of contentment with the present, optimism for the future, and nostalgia for the past. We say goodbye to another short summer; we enjoy just-picked tomatoes and sweet corn; and we plant bulbs for next spring, and remember the ‘new beginning’ feeling with another school year starting. This looking-back-and-looking-ahead may stir in us some wonder about what’s in store for us as we near the end of another calendar year. The prophet Jeremiah reminds us that our future is in God’s hands:

“I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future filled with hope.” –Jeremiah 29:11

Maybe you’re an educator or a student and you’ve embarked on a new school year. God has plans for you to flourish. Take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves!

Maybe you’re looking for work or have recently changed jobs. God has plans for you to succeed with the particular talents He’s given you.

Maybe you’re dealing with health challenges, relationship difficulties, or some other burden. God has plans for you: These challenges may lead you to greater strength, insight, or holiness. Ask Him to wrap His peace around you and help you carry this cross.

Maybe nothing significant has changed for you recently and you’re left wondering if there’s anything good coming out of this monotony. God has plans for you, too. He’s your constant companion in your routine; your good work today will reap rewards later.

The Lord wants us to trust Him and His plans. Imagine Him saying to you, ‘You will thrive and prosper, and live in peace, if you strive to follow Me. You will work and you will speak, and some people will appreciate you and listen to you, and others will not. This is how it was with the prophets and with Me, so why should it be any different with you? Continue in your work. Do not lose heart. Do not get discouraged by any of your challenges. Do not abandon your work or give up just because you don’t see results. I am working in hearts; I am working where you cannot see. If you give up, then you give up on Me and I won’t be able to accomplish what I mean to accomplish through you. Persistence and cheerfulness will pay off.’

Our God, Who ordered the seasons of nature, has great plans for you! YOU are precious to Him!

 “Lord, I trust that my life has purpose. Because of You, I will look ahead with hope.”

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