"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Making Room for Christmas

God’s Gift of Love was born on Christmas Day. During Advent, we prepare our hearts to receive more of His Loving Gifts on Christmas while sharing them with others:

While you carefully consider what to give to someone special… while you’re making, baking, or buying a gift that will make them smile… while you’re giving them your time, energy, and funds... you’re sharing God’s Love and making room in your heart for more.

When you’re kind, patient, and cheerful with the harried cashier… when you over-tip the stressed-out wait staff…. when you let someone go ahead of you in line and even strike up a friendly conversation with them… you’re sharing God’s Love, Peace, and Joy, and making room for more.

When you put something in the red kettle… when you participate in a community Giving Tree… when you give in any way to people in need… you’re offering God’s Love and Hope, and making room for more.

When you bake Christmas cookies for your coworkers or family… when you participate in a gift exchange… when you decorate your work space or home… you’re sharing God’s Love and Joy, and making room for more.

When you send out Christmas cards or e-cards, and include a person with whom you’ve had difficulty… when you ask God to bless them… when you open the door to the possibility of smoothing the bumpy road between you… you’re offering His Love, Hope, and Peace, and making room for more.

When you listen to Christmas music… when you thank God for coming to Earth to show us the way to heaven… when you ask Him to bless each person as you wrap their gift or address their card… you’re giving them and yourself His Love and Joy, and making room for more.

“Lord, prepare my heart this Advent to receive more of Your Love, Hope, Peace, and Joy this Christmas.”

Feel free to share my reflections with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Comments are always welcome. Thanks!

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