"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Inspired for the New Year

                  “The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to the entire human race. 

It teaches us to reject godless ways and worldly desires…

to lead lives that are temperate, upright, and godly.

The goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared,

not because of any righteous deeds on our part  but because of his mercy...

–Titus 2:11-12, 3:4-5

 God’s grace and mercy inspire us with wisdom and courage. We might think of a mentor we had during our younger years: a loving parent, coach, or mentor who challenged us, cheered us on, celebrated with us, and consoled us. As our respect and admiration for this person inspired us to do our best and learn from our mistakes, so does our confidence in God’s love and mercy make us want to learn from our past and become more like Him.

“The Lord takes delight in His people.” –Psalm 149:4

Let those words sink in: God loves you and delights in you!

Through the mercy of God we are forgiven again and again – and again – with unconditional, unending love. God’s mercy makes us want to reject our godless ways and worldly desires and lead lives that are temperate, upright, and godly. His grace may give us insight to make New Year’s Resolutions. We may recall that we’re created in His image, and so we may set specific goals to take care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually. We’re given courage to make changes that will make us more loving, patient, kind, compassionate, and generous.

Let’s pray for God’s inspiration as we begin this New Year. Let’s pray for the wisdom and courage to make changes that will make us more like Him.

“Lord, fill me with your grace and mercy.”

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