"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

He Ain't Heavy


(Photo Credit: Drobot Dean)

A teenage boy is carrying a smaller boy on his back as he walks down the street. The small boy has heavy braces on his legs. When a passerby asks the teen if carrying the boy is difficult, he replies, “He ain’t heavy… he’s my brother.”

You’re probably familiar with that story. It’s based on a true story that took place in 1918 at Boys Town, a home in Nebraska for abandoned boys. The older boy’s response shows how doing something out of love, rather than merely out of obligation, takes the weight off it. Even if the task appears difficult, doing it willingly and lovingly makes it easier.

 “Tend the flock of God in your midst. Watch over it, not as a duty, but willingly, as God would have it, not for sordid gain, but because you are eager to do so.”   – 1 Peter 5:2

While this verse is directed at Church leaders, it holds a lesson for all of us. We may not be in a position of authority, but we all have ‘flocks’ to serve.

What is the ‘flock in your midst’? It’s the people around you, wherever you are. It’s your coworkers, neighbors, family, friends, enemies, and the people you pass on the street. In other words, it’s everyone we encounter. We’re instructed to serve each other, to ‘carry’ each other, not out of duty but willingly.

How do we shift from serving others merely out of obligation to serving gladly? We start by reminding ourselves to see Christ in every person we meet:  the needy coworker, the slow student, the panhandler we try to ignore on the corner.

May we seek to put their needs ahead of our own and serve them eagerly, lovingly, and joyfully. May we give not out of selfish ambition, not for thanks, praise, or payment, but out of our genuine desire to serve God. May the only reward we hope for be the approval of our Lord Jesus Christ and His promise of eternal life. And when tasks appear difficult, may we remember that serving with love lightens the load.

“Free my heart, Lord, to serve You and others in joyful, loving service.”

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Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Signs Are All Around Us

 We read in the Gospels how Jesus’ followers kept close to Him and eagerly listened to Him tell of God’s tender love for them. As a result, their love for Him and their faith in the power of His love brought about miraculous healings for themselves and their loved ones.

In Mark’s Gospel, after Jesus had healed several people, the Pharisees confronted Him:

To put him to the test they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. Sighing from the depths of his spirit, he said, “Why does this generation ask for a sign? Amen, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”

Mark 8:11-12 

Jesus ‘sighed from the depths of His spirit’ – He was exasperated with their refusal to acknowledge the miracles as signs of God’s love. In contrast to the faith of Jesus’ followers, the Pharisees had a suspicious, stand-offish attitude. They weren’t going to follow Jesus, and they didn’t want His love. They just wanted to see Him perform some kind of trick, and He didn’t oblige them.

Sometimes we refuse to see the signs we already have of God’s love and, instead, demand more ‘proof’ from Him. But Christ doesn’t want us to come to Him only when we want something. He wants us to have faith in Him, love Him, and let Him love us. He wants us to see the signs of His love all around us.

What are these signs? There are too many to count: the magnificence of a gorgeous sunrise; His love expressed through our family and friends; His peace when we turn to Him in difficult times; His grace and never-ending forgiveness; His Holy Spirit, Who lives in us and gives us the peace, strength, and courage to love as Jesus loves. Look inside your heart for the signs of His Spirit at work in you:

                When you’re generous, you’re imitating God’s generosity.

            When you’re patient, you’re imitating God’s patience for you.

            When you’re kind to someone who isn’t kind to you, you’re following Christ’s example to turn the other cheek.

            When your heart aches because someone else is hurting, you’re imitating His compassion.

 Acknowledge with gratitude the signs of God’s love all around you. The more we look for these signs, the more we’ll stay focused on God, and the more we can love as He loves. Stay close to Him through the Scriptures and the sacraments, and you will have everything you need.

“Lord, help me grasp and appreciate Your immense love for me.”

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Going for Gold

This week at the Olympics, athletes from around the world are going for gold! Their dedication is admirable, and we’re inspired by their stories of personal triumph. What’s just as inspiring is how they don’t quit, even after crushing defeats. Even the best of the best have had devastating failures, and yet time and again they renew their pursuit of that ultimate prize, the gold medal.

 Commit your way to the Lord;
    place your trust in him, and he will act.´ -- Psalm 37:5

Like the athletes who recommit every day to their sport, we as Christians must renew our commitment every day to following Christ.  The Olympians pursue gold medals; do we pursue only the ‘gold’ of success at our work?

Or, instead, do we reach for ‘gold’ by following God’s Way and looking for Christ in the people we encounter?

We may take a moment to say a kind word to the delivery person or the server at lunch. We may befriend someone who doesn’t get much recognition, and look for opportunities to compliment them. When people feel affirmed, their heart expands and gives the Lord more room to fill them with His love. They may leave their work feeling more valuable as an employee, which may positively affect how they treat their loved ones at home.

The Eighth Commandment is ‘keep holy the Sabbath.’ When we set aside time for God, and share it with our friends and family, He sees our sacrifice and rewards us for it. God blesses our efforts and empowers all of us with even more of His love, strength, and grace. When we pursue the ‘gold’ of God’s love and place our trust in Him, He will act.

Athletes have victories and defeats, and so do we. And just as they have to get back up after a failure, so do we have to try again, and again. We acknowledge our mistakes and the choices we made that led us to sin; we ask God for His forgiveness and His grace; and then we work with His help to avoid those mistakes in the future.

Regardless of our past victories and failures, let’s recommit today and every day to pursuing God and His Way of love.

“I press on toward the goal to win the prize

for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

– Philippians 3:14


 “Lord, may I reach for the ‘gold’ of Your love.”

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

You Never Know

Even from a distance in the checkout line I could hear the commotion. Walking toward the exit, I saw a woman near the doorway waving her arms and shouting at an employee, her language venomous. Her partner stood at her side, neither encouraging nor discouraging her rampage.

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.” – Plato

They say that ‘hurt people hurt people’ and that anger is a response to other emotions. Who knows? Maybe that woman had just received some bad news and was hurting inside. Maybe what she was really expressing was fear, or frustration, or helplessness over an unrelated situation. Or, perhaps the employee actually was at fault and the customer had never been taught how to handle or express her emotions. Maybe that wouldn’t excuse her behavior -- but it could explain it.

The lesson of ‘be considerate and don’t criticize because we usually don’t know where someone is coming from’ hit home to me soon after my mom passed away nearly 25 years ago. I was in a grocery store and caught my reflection in a window. It startled me: my face looked angry and mean. I felt sad, not mad, yet anyone looking at me wouldn’t have known that.

When we consider these and other possibilities, we let go of our pride and critical mindset and become more understanding and sympathetic.

Putting ourselves in other people’s shoes helps us to be patient. Have you ever had to rush to the hospital? The car speeding past you might be headed there, too – you never know. The greatest thing to do is ask our Lord to bless them.

You’re trying to be and do your best. Sometimes life’s challenges affect your words and actions; the same is true for all of us. We never know what someone may be going through. Trying to maintain an attitude of kindness will keep open the door to peace, in ourselves and those around us.

“Love is patient, love is kind… love never fails.” --1 Corinthians 13:4, 8


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God Does Great Things With Your Tiny Seeds

Photo credit: Free-images.com It was a science experiment for 5-year-olds: All the children in a kindergarten class dropped flower seeds int...