"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Signs Are All Around Us

 We read in the Gospels how Jesus’ followers kept close to Him and eagerly listened to Him tell of God’s tender love for them. As a result, their love for Him and their faith in the power of His love brought about miraculous healings for themselves and their loved ones.

In Mark’s Gospel, after Jesus had healed several people, the Pharisees confronted Him:

To put him to the test they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. Sighing from the depths of his spirit, he said, “Why does this generation ask for a sign? Amen, I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation.”

Mark 8:11-12 

Jesus ‘sighed from the depths of His spirit’ – He was exasperated with their refusal to acknowledge the miracles as signs of God’s love. In contrast to the faith of Jesus’ followers, the Pharisees had a suspicious, stand-offish attitude. They weren’t going to follow Jesus, and they didn’t want His love. They just wanted to see Him perform some kind of trick, and He didn’t oblige them.

Sometimes we refuse to see the signs we already have of God’s love and, instead, demand more ‘proof’ from Him. But Christ doesn’t want us to come to Him only when we want something. He wants us to have faith in Him, love Him, and let Him love us. He wants us to see the signs of His love all around us.

What are these signs? There are too many to count: the magnificence of a gorgeous sunrise; His love expressed through our family and friends; His peace when we turn to Him in difficult times; His grace and never-ending forgiveness; His Holy Spirit, Who lives in us and gives us the peace, strength, and courage to love as Jesus loves. Look inside your heart for the signs of His Spirit at work in you:

                When you’re generous, you’re imitating God’s generosity.

            When you’re patient, you’re imitating God’s patience for you.

            When you’re kind to someone who isn’t kind to you, you’re following Christ’s example to turn the other cheek.

            When your heart aches because someone else is hurting, you’re imitating His compassion.

 Acknowledge with gratitude the signs of God’s love all around you. The more we look for these signs, the more we’ll stay focused on God, and the more we can love as He loves. Stay close to Him through the Scriptures and the sacraments, and you will have everything you need.

“Lord, help me grasp and appreciate Your immense love for me.”

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