"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

A Peace Meal


“Jesus said to them, ‘Bring some of the fish you just caught… Come, have breakfast.’”

–John 21:10, 12


The last time the apostles ate with Jesus was at The Last Supper, right before all of them (except John) ran away when Jesus was arrested and then crucified.  Now, they come ashore and see Him cooking breakfast on the beach (see John 21:9). He asks them to contribute some of what they have to the meal, and He invites them to join Him in it. What’s His message here?

Jesus wants to offer the apostles more than food; He wants to feed their souls as well as their bodies. When He holds out His hand to accept their fish, it’s a gesture of peace. They abandoned Him that Holy Thursday night, and now He comes into their presence and cooks breakfast for them. Through this humble act, He reassures them that He’s not holding a grudge. Also, by asking them to add what they have to what He already has prepared, He lets them see themselves as His partners. He invites them to leave behind the pain of the past and move forward: He has forgiven them. He still considers them His friends. He still loves them. He still has big plans for them.

Jesus does the same for you. He offers you His food for your soul: His friendship, His peace, His forgiveness, His love. Accept the peace He wants to give you. Thank Him for His blessings. Look for evidence of His love in the people and places all around you. He wants you to experience His love, and He invites you to share in His work of showing that love to the world. He’s present to you whenever you come to Him, no matter where you come from or what you’ve done in the past. Tell Him what’s been troubling you and let Him put His reassuring words in your head and heart. He wants you to see yourself as His partner and friend. He loves you; He has big plans for you.

Jesus will accept our contributions, our gifts, talents, and all we have to offer to partner with Him in His work. Let’s imitate His benevolent and peacemaking gestures. Kind of like a charcoal grill that transforms dead, smelly fish into something nourishing and delicious, so can Christ’s presence, friendship, love, and peace – made available to us through His cross and resurrection -- transform our humble acts of kindness and charity into grace-filled, love-filled actions that can change the world.

“Lord, thank You for calling me Your friend. I want to partner with You to bring Your love and peace to the world.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!


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1 comment:

  1. Rita here. Thank you for pointing out our portion of Christ's sacrifice which is difficult to wrap our head around. We are His body and are privileged to participate in re-presenting this sacrifice of the altar. That's why it's called the sacrifice of the mass. He values us this much. Col 1:24


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