"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Walk Humbly With God




“You have been told what is good, and what the Lord requires of you: Only to do the right and to love goodness, and to walk humbly with your God.” –Micah 6:8


The prophet Micah summarizes the Ten Commandments in these three: do what’s right; love goodness; walk humbly with God.

‘Walk humbly.’ When we’re humble, we acknowledge that all we are, all we do, and all we have are gifts from God. We recognize our need for His grace to help us generously and compassionately serve others, and that it’s through this loving service that we become more like Him. When we’re humble, we trust that He knows what’s best for us – what will bring us closer to Him -- and so we search for Him and His loving guidance.  We ask Him to lead us to the complete joy and true peace He wills for us; peace not as the world gives but as He gives (see John 14:27).

‘Walk with God.’ You can’t walk with someone who isn’t alive. Micah didn’t say, “You’re on your own. Memorize the Ten Commandments, and good luck following them.” No. He tells us to walk with God now, because God is alive and with us now.

This ‘walking’ may be taken both literally and figuratively. Let Him walk with you through the ups and downs of your days. Go for a walk or sit down for a bit and pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him what’s on your mind. Share with Him your deepest desires, hopes, joys, fears, and doubts. Let yourself feel loved by Him, protected by Him, affirmed and encouraged by Him. Learn from God what He wants to teach you. He uses anything and everything to speak to us, including nature, the people around us, and the words of Scripture. Let Him love you where you are.

‘Do what’s right, and love goodness.’ God is love, so when we love goodness, we want to stay close to Him. We reject what pulls us away from Him. When we have a choice to make – and we make many throughout the day -- we seek His wisdom, and we’re drawn to what’s loving, right, and good. Sometimes more than one option is good; in that case, we can be at peace with the one we select.

“Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face continually.
Remember His wonders which He has done.”
–Psalm 105:4-5

God is alive and He is with you! Seek Him. Walk with Him. With humble reverence ask Him to fill you with His power, peace, love, and joy so that you may become more like Him. Ask God to use you to show His love to the world so that the world may know Him.

“Lord, I need Your grace to become the loving person you created me to be. Walk with me and teach me to love what’s right and good.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell    

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