"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Countryside Sings!


 “The valleys are decked with grain. They shout for joy, yes, they sing.” –Psalm 65:13

In these days of late summer, in field after field, sweet corn stands proudly next to the highway as we drive west from Northeast Ohio. Soybeans and other crops expand across the landscape, ready and waiting to be harvested. The fields seem to sing for joy! Roadside stands abound with tomatoes, squash, peppers and other vegetables that were ripening in the sunshine just hours earlier. At least one has a sign that reads, “Free vegetables! Take what you need and pay it forward.” Who knew there could be so many varieties of tomatoes? This is a season for celebrating.     

“God also said: See, I give you every seed-bearing plant on all the earth and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit on it to be your food… God looked at everything He had made, and found it very good.” –Genesis 1:29, 31

We thank God for providing all of this food for us. We’re grateful for it, and for the farmers and gardeners who do the work so that we can enjoy it. Our food nourishes our bodies; it also refreshes our souls and brings joy to our spirits. (Bite into an ear of roasted sweet corn and just try not to smile!) Everything God created, He created out of His love for us. We appreciate and celebrate not only the food, but also how He ordered the world to care for us and all creatures. The old hymn, “I Sing the Mighty Power of God,” written in 1715 by Isaac Waats, expresses this eloquently:

I sing the mighty power of God that made the mountains rise,

That spread the flowing seas abroad and built the lofty skies.

I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day.

The moon shines full at his command, and all the stars obey.


I sing the goodness of the Lord that filled the earth with food.

He formed the creatures with his word, and then pronounced them good.

Lord, how your wonders are displayed where’er I turn my eye:

If I survey the ground I tread, or gaze upon the sky!


There’s not a plant or flower below but makes your glories known,

And clouds arise, and tempests blow, by order from your throne;

While all that borrows life from you is ever in your care,

And everywhere that we can be,

You, God, are present there.

 Look all around you and marvel at the wonders of God’s creation. As you drive through towns large and small, gaze at the countryside bursting in song. Take your time, and stop at farmers’ markets and roadside stands. Join in the celebration of this late summer season and let your heart sing along!

 “Thank You, Lord, for all Your bounteous gifts of the earth!”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell    

If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.

Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:



Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Be Kind to Yourself


 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” –Mark 12:31

Everyone who has traveled by air has heard the safety instructions given on the plane before takeoff. These can seem redundant: who doesn’t know how to use a seat belt? Still, the flight attendants are required to instruct us. Some have even resorted to comedy routines to make sure we pay attention.

Notice that, if the oxygen masks drop from the ceiling because of an emergency and we’re traveling with small children or someone else who needs assistance, we’re instructed to put on our own mask first and then help that other person. This ensures that we are getting the air we need so that we can attend to the other.

Wait – isn’t that being selfish? Aren’t we supposed to serve others?

No and yes.

No, it’s not being selfish. If we didn’t take oxygen for ourselves first, we couldn’t help the other. Yes, we’re taught to serve others. In this case, neglecting our own needs could actually hurt someone else.

This principle applies to us in other circumstances, too. An athlete has to take care of herself to perform well at her particular sport. If she doesn’t, the whole team could suffer. Parents have to make sure they take care of themselves not only physically but also emotionally in order to care for their children the best way they know how. They take time to ‘recharge their batteries.’ Caring for themselves strengthens them to care for their children.

Taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally, and spiritually enables us to serve others. What does this look like for you? It might be a treat for you to have quiet time in the house by yourself with a book. Maybe you’re refreshed by visiting friends, or shopping, or painting, or taking a class. Maybe gardening or another activity outdoors relaxes and recharges you. Whatever works for you, make time to take time to be kind to yourself.

Also, pay attention to your inner voice. Remind yourself that you are a beloved and cherished child of God. Speak to yourself the words of love and forgiveness that you long to hear. Remember that being kind to yourself is a way to thank God for the gift of you He created.

‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  Be kind to your neighbor; be kind to yourself.

“Lord, thank You for gifting me with my life. Help me remember to take care of this gift.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell    

If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.

Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:



Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Why Mary's Example Gives Us Hope


(Photo credit: Paul Csogi @csogi)


“Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled.”

 –Luke 1:45

These words were spoken by Elizabeth to Mary, who had just heard the angel Gabriel’s message and agreed to become the Mother of God. Though Mary didn’t understand all of it, she believed the angel’s words and trusted that God’s plan was rooted in His love for her.  

Mary didn’t ask to see the big picture or to be given all the answers before saying yes to God. She believed that He loved her and would guide her in her role as Jesus’ mother. She took each day as it came and was faithful to what she believed God was asking her to do, whether that was humbly accepting shelter in a stable, confidently telling the disciples to ‘do whatever He tells you’ at the wedding in Cana, courageously staying with Jesus at the foot of the cross, or praying and waiting with hope with the apostles for the Holy Spirit in the upper room.

Mary’s example of faithfulness gives us hope. Every year on August 15 we celebrate her assumption, body and soul, into heaven. Why do we celebrate this? Because she was a human being like us – she wasn’t divine -- and yet she’s with God. God rewarded her faithfulness by giving her eternal life. Mary’s assumption is a preview of what’s in store for us; it shows that there’s more to life than just our time here on earth. It proves that we, too, can hope for the reward of eternal life.

God loves you so much that He wants you to be with Him forever. He doesn’t require you to see the big picture or have all the answers now, just like He didn’t expect Mary to. He simply invites you to believe Him and follow Him. What does this look like? He asks you to show His love to the person in front of you, whether friend or foe, in whatever way you can. He asks you to be faithful to Him and to do what you believe is the loving thing to do in any given moment. He, in turn, promises you eternal life.

“I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” –John 14:3

Believe the words of Jesus. Trust Him. Live in His love. He wants you to be with Him forever.

“Lord, thank You for letting me hope for eternal life! Help me to follow Mary’s example of faithfulness to You.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell    

If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.

Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:



Wednesday, August 10, 2022

When the Storms Rage


 “A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, ‘Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?’ He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘Quiet! Be still!’ The wind ceased and there was great calm.” –Mark 4:37-39

The wind is howling, rain is pelting the apostles, and waves are crashing over the sides of the boat. Anyone who has lived through this kind of nightmare can identify with the apostles’ terror. Yet through it all, Jesus is asleep in the stern. As the apostles struggle to stay afloat, they wake Him up and accuse Him of not caring that they’re all about to drown.

Jesus orders the wind to stop and it does. As miraculous as that is, we may wonder: Why did He allow the storm in the first place? Why didn’t He prevent it?

One answer is that He knew that their fear would bring them closer to Him; it would make them turn to Him for help. His stopping the storm let them witness His power, which strengthened their faith in Him, which made them want to follow Him more closely, which let them experience more of His love. Had the seas stayed calm, none of that would have happened, at least not there.

God wants you to experience His love, too. Is your boat being tossed around? Are you going through another storm right now? Do you feel far away from God, or think He’s sleeping through your ordeal? If so, call out to Him. Tell Him about your pain and your fears. Ask Him to guide you through them.

Look for Him, and see how He calms the storm through the people around you. If you’re preparing for a funeral, maybe friends are calling, texting, or bringing you meals to share in your sorrow and remind you that you’re not alone. If you’re suffering with an illness, feel His love expressed through the people caring for you. Maybe this downtime could be an opportunity to take care of yourself by slowing down, talking with Him more, listening to Him more, and letting Him remind you of His love for you. If you’re worried for someone else going through a storm, follow His promptings to reach out to them. You may be an answer to their prayers.  

Trust that God will be with you through every storm. Let your worry and fear inspire you to turn to Him for help. Trust Him to use His power to rescue you in one way or another. Let Him show you His love for you and strengthen you in body, mind, or spirit.

“Lord, help me to trust You’re with me when the storms are raging around me.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell    

If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list.

Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:




Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Building Campfires of Love


“Bring them here to me.” –Matthew 14:18

Jesus had been preaching and healing all day. As evening approached, the apostles suggested that He dismiss the crowd so the people could go and buy food in the nearby village. When He told them to feed the crowd themselves, they pointed out that all they had were a few loaves of bread and a couple fish. They knew that the people needed food; they also knew that what they had wasn’t enough to feed themselves, much less the whole crowd.  

We, too, see the needs of the people around us. We may look at our resources and think we don’t have enough to share. We might think that whatever we do share couldn’t possibly make a difference for anyone else. Maybe we feel foolish giving ‘just a little.’  

‘Bring them here to Me,’ is all Jesus said. He took what little they had, added His loving power to it, and transformed it from something meager into something significant. He can do the same thing with anything we give to our neighbors, whether that’s ourselves, our time, or our goods.

Think of how you build a campfire. You start with kindling and maybe a bit of paper and small broken sticks. A spark is needed to get the fire started, more wood is added a little at a time, and then the large logs are added to keep the fire going. Before long, what started as a small pile of twigs on the ground has become a blazing campfire.

Our kind deeds and humble offerings are like those sticks, and God’s love at work in us is the spark that sets the wood on fire. To build His campfire – His kingdom of love on earth – God needs our firewood. What might this look like?

A phone call to check in on someone who lives alone might be the ‘glowing twig’ that adds brightness to their day and keeps them from feeling lonely.

The items you overbought for your cookout could go to the foodbank or a soup kitchen. You might not have enough to feed many, but added together with others’ donations – sticks upon sticks – your contribution could be an answer to someone’s prayers.

A kind word at the checkout line might bring a smile to someone whose spirit needed to be lifted without your knowing it. The ‘campfire’ of their soul now has a couple more loving sticks on it to make it burn a little brighter.

So offer to Christ what you have, both modest and bountiful. Our Lord will use your good intentions, your random acts of kindness, and your humble donations for His ‘campfire.’ Let His love spark the ‘firewood’ in your own heart and in the hearts of your neighbors.  

“Lord, accept what I give and use it to build Your kingdom of love.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell   If you would like to receive these reflections directly to your inbox, please email me at ginabedell1@gmail.com and I will add you to my ‘BCC’ email list. Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!


We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:



God Does Great Things With Your Tiny Seeds

Photo credit: Free-images.com It was a science experiment for 5-year-olds: All the children in a kindergarten class dropped flower seeds int...