"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Where Is God?



“Had not the Lord been with us,

Let Israel say,

Had not the Lord been with us,

When people rose against us,

They would have swallowed us alive…

Blessed be the Lord, Who did not leave us…

Our help is the name of the Lord,

The maker of heaven and earth.”

 --Psalm 124:1-3, 6, 8


Hear the gratitude, relief, and joy expressed by the Israelites. The Lord stayed with them and helped them when they needed it most. “Had not the Lord been with us...”  They knew He had been with them from the beginning. He was with them when all was well, and He was already there when their troubles started. We may not know all the details of their struggles or how He saved them, but it’s clear they recognized and celebrated that God was with them through their difficulties. 

Where is God now, thousands of years later?

God lives in you; His love created you. He is, He has been, and He will be with you -- and everyone else – always, when days are easy and when they’re difficult. Maybe we don’t have enemies like the Israelites did, but we do have troubles; they’re part of life. God doesn’t promise that difficulties won’t happen. What He does promise is to be with us before, during, and after these storms. God promises to stay with us and help us grow toward a place of peace.  

God loved everyone and everything into being. Look around and see that He’s everywhere, loving you and caring for you. He’s in your friend who makes you laugh and eases your pain for a while. He’s in the child who hugs you and makes your heart swell with joy. He’s in your doctor, nurse, and other medical providers who speak kind words to you. He created the sun, and so He’s with you when you rest outside and let His sunshine warm you.

God lives in you so that you can show His love to the people around you, too. The love you share may be the answer to someone’s prayer. He’s in the compassion that moves you to look out for your neighbors before, during, and after a natural disaster. He’s there when you cuddle with a frightened child. He’s with you, listening, when you ask Him to bless or heal your loved ones. He inspires you to help those in need: to bring meals, or babysit, or drive to appointments, or just sit with the person you care about and offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on.

Look and see that God is everywhere. See His presence in the beauty of creation, in the people around you, and in the stirrings of your heart. God is with you, always has been with you, and always will be with you.

“Help me recognize Your presence all around me, Lord. Fill me with the desire to draw closer to You.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!

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