“I delight to do Your will.” –Psalm 40:9
There’s something about hanging up the January calendar that offers us a bit of tranquility, along with hope and anticipation. The rows of empty squares are a welcome sight after the holidays: the hustle and bustle are over and we settle back into familiar, comfortable routines. Also, you may be looking forward to discovering what the new year holds; you may look inside yourself and contemplate what you’d like the months ahead to look like.
Even if you’re content with life on the outside – your job, home, and leisure activities – there’s something deep inside of you that wants to BE more (see the reflection I wrote last week). You know from past experience that you feel most fulfilled when you give of yourself, and you’re looking for some direction as to what that could look like in the coming year. No matter your work or state in life, you have a deep desire to feel that you’re contributing to the good of your world. You’re longing for peace.
“Be still, and know that I am God.” –Psalm 46:10
Christ is goodness, love, generosity, patience, and kindness. Take some time each day to be quiet, and trust our Lord to guide you. Take each day, each moment, as it comes, and choose whatever it is that is most loving, generous, patient, and kind in that moment. Each step will bring you closer to the Peace you’re longing for.
Keep in mind that you don’t have to see the end of the tunnel before you take the first step. You don’t have to have all the answers before starting. You don’t have to have everything in your own life figured out and straightened out before you can give to others. Just take the next loving step.
Remember that Mary and Joseph didn’t have all the answers when baby Jesus was born. Even they had to take life one moment at a time. Jesus grew up like any other boy, learning from His parents how to get along with others, learning a trade, and learning about God. They trusted that God would guide them, one day and one step at a time, toward Him and His plan for their lives – to teach us how to find fulfillment and peace by serving others…
…one moment at a time.
“Lord, help me choose what is most loving, one step at a time.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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