“And He took the five loaves and the two fish and, looking up to heaven, He blessed them and broke them, and gave them to the disciples again and again, to serve the crowd.”
– Luke 9:16
The miracles of God’s marvelous creation are on full display in the western sky this month. According to NASA’s website, Jupiter and Venus are visible now, and Mars will be visible February 27!
You’re probably familiar with the above story of Jesus feeding the multitudes. Notice, though, that He didn’t immediately take away their hunger. He needed the cooperation of the people around Him in order to perform the miracle: The apostles approached Him with the dilemma; they trusted that He could remedy the situation; the boy generously offered his bread and fish; and the apostles followed Jesus’ instructions to distribute the food.
How did his followers so confidently trust Him? They had spent time with Him, listening to Him. Jesus’ teachings were so different from those that had been passed down through the generations. His teachings weren’t about following rules; they were about loving people – all people! They believed that He wanted only what was good – what was of Love – for them.
What miracle are you hungry for? Affirmation? Direction? A sense of purpose? Healing? Turn to the One Who created you. He Who made the planets and fed the multitudes can work miracles in your life, too, if you have faith and trust in Him.
Remember, God doesn’t simply remove our difficulties; He needs our participation. Talk to Him about your situation – that’s prayer. Believe that He wants only what’s good for you. Offer Him what you have: your skills, your resources, your time, your creativity. Let His grace act in you to soften your heart and open your mind. Pay attention to the thoughts God puts in your mind: If they’re rooted in love and if they give you even a mild sense of peace, you know those thoughts are from Him. If they fill you with anger or restlessness, those are not from God but from the evil forces of the world trying to distract you.
God lives in us and uses us and our circumstances to work miracles and feed our souls. He lets us experience His love in the words and actions we share with each other. He expands our hearts in awe of His creation. He teaches us the magnitude of His love through His words in Scripture. He needs us to cooperate with Him in creating our children! He helps us understand the simplicity of His loving message when we hold a sleeping baby or laugh with a giggling toddler.
He needs each one of us to share His love and peace with the world. As Mother Teresa said, ‘We are His hands and His feet.’
God needs you. What a miracle that is!
“Lord, I believe You need me. Help me trust in You.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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