"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Let Christ Refresh You


When I was in my early 20s, I felt a desire to ‘help people’ but didn’t know what I could do. More specifically, I remember thinking something like, “You have to get your own act together before you can give to anyone else.” The desire stayed with me, though, so I asked our pastor for direction. I was introduced to Helen, a sweet elderly widow whose kids lived far away. I dropped in to see Helen at random times, and we would sit in her living room and chat. I offered to run errands for her but she wanted only company. Her bright smiles warmed my heart. I also found that by focusing my attention on her, I was able to get out of my head instead of staying wrapped up in my own difficulties. Giving of myself to Helen in this very small way made me feel more loving and more loved – and therefore happier.

Let all who thirst come; let all who desire it drink from the life-giving water.” – Rev. 22:17

Notice there’s no mention here of qualifications, strength of character, worthiness, or holiness. It doesn’t say, ‘Get your life in order first and then come to Me.’  

What are you looking for? Peace in your life? Being loved? A greater sense of purpose? 

If you’re emotionally or spiritually parched, then turn to our Lord and let Him give you His refreshment, His renewal, His energy. How do we do this?

If we let Christ work with us through every circumstance, we’ll experience a sense of peace even during our hardships. If we accept that He loves us unconditionally, we’ll quit criticizing both ourselves and others. We’ll find the grace to forgive ourselves, stop judging others, and live more peacefully. If we seek His guidance, He’ll lead us toward work and other activities that fill us with a greater sense of purpose. If we look for His presence all around us, we’ll notice that He’s always with us. All of these lead us closer to Him, to deeper faith, and to greater joy.

You may not feel qualified to approach our Lord, but He’s calling you. Let Him love you. Let Him refresh your spirit and guide you to the place of peace. All He asks is that you act from your heart. Look for Christ in the people and circumstances around you, and let Him do the rest. Let Him open your eyes and your heart to the person who’s looking for help, or a job, or maybe just some friendly company. 

“Lord, guide my heart and refresh my spirit.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! 

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