"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Go Deeper Than the Storm


Winds howling. Mountainous waves tossing yachts like toys. Rain flying sideways. We’ve seen it in movies, and some of us have experienced it first-hand. Storms on the water can be brutal.

Far below the storm, though, far below the surface of the water, there’s calm. The fish and other creatures lurking at the bottom may not even notice there’s turbulence up above.

We have storms in life, too: A terrifying diagnosis, an accident, or serious illness. Financial difficulties. Family and work troubles. We’ve all had our share of suffering. These challenges may come upon us like the storms on Lake Erie: intense and without warning. We’re blindsided, and that shock adds to our anxiety.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” 

– Matthew 11:28

Imagine Christ saying to you, “Go deeper than the storm. Go where there is peace. Rest there, and let yourself be enveloped in peace. You can’t stop the storm but you don’t have to stay in it, either. Let the storm rage, but don’t let it toss you or break you. Surround yourself with My peace and know that, even if you can’t control the storm, you can control whether you stay there and fight it or take shelter in the depths of My love, where you will find peace and calm.” 

What does it look like to ‘take shelter in the depths of His love’? First, sit still. Breathe deeply, and slow your racing mind. Thank God for creating you out of His love. Thank Him for all He has already provided for you. Remind yourself that He is omnipotent; ask Him to help you carry this heavy cross. Trust that He, because of His immense love for you, will answer your prayers in the way that provides you with your greatest good. Ask Him to fill you with His peace. Let go of the tension in your mind and body.

Then, ask Him to show you the next step to take. While you’re sitting still and also as you go about your day, pay attention to the ideas that come to mind. Do you need to consult your medical provider? What changes can you make to lessen your financial strain? What professional resources are available to you? Do you have loving friends who support you, who would be happy to help if you asked them to? 

You don’t have to carry the burdens by yourself. Let Christ lead you toward those people who have been blessed with specific skill sets to assist you. 

Storms are part of life. Take shelter in the depths of His love and trust Him to guide you through the turmoil.

“Say to the Lord, ‘My refuge and my fortress, my God, in Whom I trust.” – Psalm 91:2

“Hold me close, Lord, and show me the way through this storm.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! 

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