"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

"Stop and Listen"

When our children are frightened, they run to us for help. We hold them tight and reassure them that we’ll stay with them and keep them safe.

When we are worried, stressed, or otherwise burdened, do we turn to God our Father for help? Recall what the psalmist writes: 

“I cry aloud to God, cry aloud to God that He may hear me.” – Psalm 77:1

Our God is not some remote figure hovering up in the cosmos. He is the living God Who made you. He loves you. He lives in you. When you speak to Him, He hears you. When you ask Him for help, He gives you His power. When you turn to Him in your need, He gives you the grace to face your challenges.

Imagine our Lord speaking to you:

“You ask Me for help but don’t stop what you’re doing to let Me help you.

Stop and listen.


It takes time. My peace takes time.

Wisdom takes time.

Stop what you’re doing and turn your thoughts to Me and what I want you to do.

I will help you. I already promised that.

How I help you can only be learned from you if you stop for a while and let Me answer your questions.

I love you. You are my precious creation. I want you to depend on Me. I will lead you to the place of peace you’re seeking. I am with you every step of the way.

Stop and listen, and follow Me.”

No matter how big or small the issue is that you’re facing, our Lord is always with you to guide and strengthen you. How could remembering this make a difference?

When you’re angry with someone, instead of reacting with your usual harsh words or actions, stop and take a step back. Ask Christ to help you find the source of your anger and a healthy outlet for it. Pay attention to what thoughts come to mind. He may be leading you in a direction you hadn’t considered before. 

When you’re worried about your kids, stop and ask our Lord to watch over them and guide them in the choices they make. Pay attention to any ideas you get to say or do something that might benefit them.

When you feel overwhelmed, stop and ask our Lord to help you ‘keep your head above water.’ Maybe He’ll show you ways to handle your challenges a little at a time. Maybe He’ll lead you to a source of relief you hadn’t thought of before.

When you turn to our Lord in your distress, you may find yourself later declaring, as countless others have done for ages, “By the grace of God I got through that. I could never have done it without Him.”

“God Himself is my help.” – Psalm 54:4

“You have to help me, Lord. I can’t do this on my own.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! 

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We continue to pray for an end to the war. If you’d like to help the people of Ukraine through the Cleveland Maidan Association, you may use either PayPal or a credit/debit card here:


P.P.S. If you’re able to help the people of Maui, here are a few organizations that are accepting donations:

The Hawaii Community Foundation 

The American Red Cross

The Maui Food Bank


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