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Growing up in the Cleveland area, where many of my friends’ parents were immigrants, I learned that a friendly question to ask people was, “What nationality are you?” When I was in my 20s I met a guy of Irish descent; I’ll call him Patrick. When I answered this question with “Slovenian” he said, “Slovenian?!? In our neighborhood we used to beat up the Slovenians!!” I didn’t run into him much after that so I don’t know if his attitude toward Slovenians ever changed. I like to think that it did, now that he saw ‘the enemy’ as a real person – me.
As we learn of the horrific events happening in the Middle East, Ukraine, and elsewhere around the world, it’s easy to condemn those who engage in war, especially when they target civilians. Our hearts break for those caught in the middle. We can’t understand how those who want war can see only an ‘enemy’ and not people. And somehow we think we’re innocent of treating those around us any differently.
Are we innocent? Think of Patrick and, truth be told, most of us who hold onto stereotypes and judgments of particular nationalities, races, religions, or any other groups that we attach labels to.
On the outside we may not let our attitudes show: We don’t bother our neighbors and we’re civil with our coworkers. Yet inside and deep down, we may be suspicious of that foreign neighbor. We may hold unfair and unfavorable opinions of our coworkers based on stereotypes.
So before we condemn all those ‘over there’ engaged in war, let’s take a look at our own hearts and see where our own wars are raging. Let’s dig deep and clean out those fears and judgments. Let’s make an effort to give a little extra of ourselves to those who are unfamiliar to us. Let’s give alms to those people – not money, but our hearts. Offer to those ‘others’ our time and sincere expressions of good will. Offer a friendly greeting to our neighbors and learn about their culture. Make a sincere effort to engage our coworkers in conversation. Let’s be the ones to initiate connections, amity, and peace with those who seem different from us. Let’s see them for who they are: people who are loved by God, just like we are. You’ll probably find, like I hope Patrick did, that the ‘Slovenians’ in your world are pretty nice people after all – just like you.
“Although you cleanse the outside of the cup and the dish, inside you are filled with plunder and evil. You fools! Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside? But as to what is within, give alms, and behold, everything will be clean for you.” – Luke 11:39-41
“Lord, rid me of my judgments of others. Help me see everyone as You see them.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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Pray for peace around the world. Pray for the families around the globe whose lives have been torn apart by war and natural disasters. Donate toward a cause that tugs at your heart. Take care of those around you; take care of our planet.
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