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The small child grabs a toy off the shelf and puts it in the shopping cart. Dad takes it out and puts it back. The child doesn’t know why, and starts wailing. Maybe the toy isn’t age-appropriate, is too expensive, or will be given to him for his birthday. Dad could be showing his love by not giving him the toy. The child doesn’t know this; he knows only that he isn’t getting what he wants right now. His cries grow louder.
God hears all our prayers, whether they’re whispered or cried aloud in pain. Sometimes we get the answer we hoped for; sometimes we don’t. We might never know, in this lifetime, why God answers the way He does. Sometimes, we look back and thank Him for not giving in to our demands. Sometimes, we realize that our challenge prepared us for something better. When we pray, ‘Thy will be done,’ we trust that whatever God answers will bring about the greater good for ourselves and our loved ones.
It’s natural to ask, “Why?” when we’re suffering. It’s natural to feel discouraged when the problem doesn't go away.
“The same everlasting Father who cares for you today will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.” – Francis de Sales
Remember, God doesn’t give us difficulties and illness, but He does permit them. In His wisdom, He knows that challenges draw us closer to Him. We may be complacent while things are going smoothly and then, when we’re struggling, we call on Him for help. Struggles also tend to bring about our greatest growth: it’s not until after the storm has passed that we see how much we’ve learned by going through it. This experience might help us later. Also, others’ challenges often bring out our most generous selves: We might be the answer to their prayers.
Imagine our Lord saying to you:
You feel anxious and are worried about many things. I hear you and see you. I know what that feels like because I, too, felt agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.
I know what it feels like to be frustrated and discouraged because I felt that when my apostles didn’t understand what I was trying to teach them.
I hear you. I am with you. Come to Me and open your heart to what I want to tell you.
Put your worries on My cross. Let Me share your burden, and then your suffering will have purpose. Let Me use it for a greater good: your salvation and the salvation of the world.
Every prayer you utter, I hear and I answer. Listen in your heart for the answer I’m giving you.
I love you.
“Listen to the petitions of your servant and of your people… Listen from your heavenly dwelling...” – 1 Kings 8:30
“Lord, I trust in You.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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