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The videos and photos of the eclipse are spectacular. In Northeast Ohio on Monday, in the middle of the afternoon, the sky got dark, the street lights came on, and the birds stopped chirping. In backyards, parks, and stadiums here and around the country, millions of people gathered in watch parties and turned their protected eyes toward the sun. I appreciate the photos and videos that all of you have shared because my husband and I didn’t see the eclipse. We were on our way home from North Carolina after sharing a few delightful days with our daughter and son-in-law. Right when you were seeing the moon block the sun, I was driving on the interstate through a downpour.
“The ends of the earth stand in awe at the sight of your wonders.” – Psalm 65:9
The eclipse got everyone’s attention.To a miniscule degree, the timing of the rain got mine, too. We tend to take for granted the world God created and the people He has blessed us with. The eclipse was a welcome shot in the arm – it awakened our senses of wonder and gratitude. Let’s keep that momentum going. Let’s not only marvel at the science of the eclipse but also look for God, the Creator of the universe, Who’s behind it. Let’s look for Christ in our midst in both the ordinary and the extraordinary:
Imagine God’s hand moving the moon slowly in front of the sun.
Look for Him opening the buds on the trees, gently pulling the flowers up from the ground so they bloom, and changing seeds underground into vegetables in your garden.
Notice how much He treasures you when your friend smiles at you or gives you a hug.
Look at His guiding hand as people and opportunities become available to you in your recovery.
Look for His grace that gives you the strength to get through your current difficulty, one step at a time.
Look for the people who need to see God’s love through your friendly words or your kind gestures.
Look for Christ at work through your doctor’s kindness that gives you hope and makes your treatment more bearable.
Look not only at your struggles, but look also outside yourself for something to look forward to. Notice what comes to mind. He may be guiding you toward something you hadn’t considered before.
Look for Christ in the people you love. We didn’t experience the drama of the eclipse but we felt His presence with our daughter and son-in-law as we shared meals, walks, our time, and our hearts. We shared the excitement of the Women’s Final Four and marveled at their God-given talent, their sportsmanship, and their teamwork.
Let’s keep our sense of awe. Let’s look for Him in the world He created and in the people He put here with us to share it.
“Taste and see how good the Lord is.” – Psalm 34:9
“Lord, let me see Your hand in the wonders all around me.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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