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A knot formed in my gut when I clicked on the button to register for the half marathon in 2011. I hadn’t run consistently for many years, and then one of our daughters somehow convinced me I could finish 13.1 miles! After I registered, she gave me a daily training plan to follow, to keep me motivated and prevent injury over the four months leading up to the race.
Following the training plan helped me keep my eye on the goal and reassured me I’d be ready on race day. I loved running and enjoyed this training, though there were challenges. I missed the camaraderie of running with a group, as I had in college. When it was raining, or when I felt tired, I was tempted to cheat by skipping ‘just this one day’ or by cutting the run short. Then I realized that ‘just this once’ could make it easier to cheat in the future, so I stuck with the plan. I reminded myself that, even though I was alone, what I chose to do each day mattered. And Elizabeth was right: I could run 13.1 miles! I completed the race, was excited with my time, and felt part of a large community of runners who could joyfully shout with me, “I did it!”
Christians have a goal, too. Our goal is to ‘run the race’ toward the Place of Perfect Peace. Our daily finish line is life with Christ. We get there by serving Christ in the people around us. Yes, we encounter challenges. Sometimes it feels like we’re running alone, or our mood matches the dreary rain outside, and we’re tempted to not put in the effort. Some days the road feels extra long and the hills feel steeper than usual. Sometimes we question whether what we’re doing matters.
Keeping Christ as our goal gives purpose to our living. The Scriptures and our prayer life make up our ‘training plan,’ so how much time we spend with our Lord matters. Being part of a community matters, even if it’s a small group, for we encourage each other to ‘keep running’ when challenges arise, and we celebrate together the joys of following the path to Christ. What else matters? It matters whether or not we resist the temptation to cheat ‘just this once.’ It matters how we treat others – those closest to us as well as those who look, believe, and vote differently from how we do. It matters how often we receive the sacraments.
Every day we reflect and ask ourselves, ‘Am I running toward Christ or away from Him? Have my choices brought His peace to myself and others today?’ Christ knows the potential in each of us to bring His peace to our world. He is our goal. May we always run toward Him.
“I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.” – 2 Timothy 4:7
“Lord, keep me strong in my race towards You.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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