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How will we know if we don’t ask?
In Matthew’s gospel (Matthew 19:16-22), a young man approached Jesus and asked, “What good must I do to gain eternal life?” The man said he had observed the Ten Commandments his whole life. Maybe he wanted Jesus to praise him for following the rules. Maybe he was going to congratulate himself on being such a good person. Or, maybe he sensed God wanted more from him than just to obey those rules, but he didn’t know what. Maybe he saw peace in Jesus’ followers and wondered why he didn’t feel that and also how he could attain it. His heart must have been unsettled; he was clearly searching for something more because then he asked a bolder question: “What do I still lack?”
In reply, Jesus challenged him to live by the Spirit of the law instead of simply obeying the letter of the law. He told him to love his neighbors in concrete, radical, and generous ways. This would bring him the profound peace he was longing for and eternal life. Christ’s answer wasn’t what the young man wanted to hear, though; when he heard Jesus say this, ‘he went away sad.’
God designed us to have a deep longing for Him. We feel unsettled in this life because this life isn’t our final destination; eternal life with God is what we were made for. As Augustine of Hippo said, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
To gain this peace we’re all searching for, we can ask Christ the bold questions: “I’m a good person and I follow all the commandments; what do I still lack that will bring me eternal life? What’s blocking me from You and the joy and profound peace I’m longing for? What’s missing from my life, from my daily routine, that would bring me closer to You and the people around me? In what ways can I put more time and energy into strengthening my relationship with You and my relationships with those I care about? How can I love my neighbors in concrete, radical, and generous ways?”
During our day, we can ask ourselves questions like, “Is what I’m about to say or do the most loving choice I have? Will what I say or do build up this other person, or tear them down? Do my choices reflect the love Christ has for me and the love He wants me to show to others?”
The young man in Matthew’s gospel approached Jesus for answers. May we also courageously step toward Him for answers on how to attain peace, joy, and eternal life. How will we know if we don’t ask? Ask, then listen, and then act.
“The young man said to Him, ‘All of these I have observed. What do I still lack?’”
–Matthew 19:20
“Lord, what do I need to gain eternal life with You?”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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