"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

"What Can I Do for You?"

Photo credit:  Free-images.com

I had a remarkable encounter with a goldfinch last September as my husband and I walked along a trail near Lake Erie. It’s an event I will never forget. In a blog post written soon after it happened, I compared freeing that beautiful bird to God freeing our beautiful selves. You can read that reflection by clicking on this link: https://intoflame.blogspot.com/2023/09/free-as-goldfinch.html

That memorable experience put a smile on my face for days. It struck me, too, how unusual it was, for a couple of reasons.

First, the trail we were hiking on was flat and so I was able to keep my head up, look around, and admire the gorgeous fall colors around me instead of focusing on where I was stepping. I wouldn’t have spotted the stuck goldfinch if I had been looking down at my feet.

Second, when I realized the bird wasn’t flying away, I stopped to investigate. I took my time and discovered that she was stuck in some burrs. Instead of thinking something like, “Aw, poor thing,” and then continuing on my way, I decided to try to help her. I didn’t know if I should touch her, and I didn’t know if or how I could free her, but I wanted to try. So, I just did whatever came to mind, one step at a time, and was able to set her free, much to my (and her!) delight.

Sometimes we have those same hesitations when it comes to serving our neighbors.  Sometimes we think, “I don’t know what they need.” Or, we think, “There’s nothing I can do for them.” We may even think, “They got themselves stuck in this situation. Let them get themselves out.” We may even use the line, “They should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps” without taking the time to notice that they don’t have any boots.

Instead of rushing through our day or staying preoccupied with ourselves and where we’re going, let’s keep our heads up and our eyes open to the needs of others. Let’s take a moment and ask ourselves, “How can I fill that need?” Let’s stop and ask our neighbors, “What can I do for you?” Let’s try to see if there’s some way – any way – we can show a bit of kindness, set someone free from a burden, or otherwise contribute to the needs of our community. 

We won’t know the difference we might make until we try. 

“He who shuts his ear to the cry of the poor will himself also call and not be heard.”

– Proverbs 21:13

“Lord, open my heart to the needs of others.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! 

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