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January is a popular month for going through the house to declutter. We make use of these brutally cold days to go through our closets and get rid of clothes and other items we no longer use. Doing so creates, among other things, a wide open visual space that somehow gives us a freeing feeling.
We can do the same thing for our spiritual life by getting rid of the clutter in our mind and giving God space to speak to us.
One way He speaks to us is through the Scriptures. Some people think that the Bible is just an old book, offering nothing relevant to our lives today. But that isn’t the case.
The Bible is the living Word of God. It was written by women and men who were inspired by God to write what they wrote. Yes, some of it includes ancient, unfamiliar customs. But the messages still pertain to us, wherever we are and whatever stage of life we’re in. If that weren’t the case, then we’d just have to read the Bible once and we’d know everything there is to know about God. However, God continues to speak to us through the Scriptures as we age, as our faith grows (or weakens), and as our life challenges change. He uses Scripture to demonstrate the immensity of His love for us. This is true even from those passages we’ve already heard countless times. He’ll give us new insights into how they relate to us now if we open our minds and hearts to what He wants to tell us. Get rid of the clutter – the chaos and noise around you – and take a few quiet moments with the Lord. Open the New Testament and read a few passages slowly until something catches your attention. Then, throughout your day, keep those words in mind and every once in a while ask the Lord what He wants you to learn from them. Write down the thoughts that come to you.
God also speaks to us through nature and through each other. ‘Declutter’ here by, say, turning off the radio while you’re driving and letting the magnificence of creation, including the glistening snow, remind you of the power of His love for you. Listen to His love expressed to you through your family and friends. Notice Him working through the people in your community. When you’re standing in line, offer friendly conversation to someone nearby, or use the time to ponder the Scripture passage you’ve read, instead of passing the time on your phone.
God speaks to us through Scripture, nature, and each other. Let’s clear out the noise and clutter that distracts us from noticing the many ways He’s showing His powerful love to us. Let’s give Him the time and space to speak to us.
“The word of God is living and effective, able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.” – Hebrews 4:12
Open my heart, Lord, that I may hear You.
Thank you for reading my reflection! All thanks to God for giving me the ideas and guiding my words. © 2025 Gina Bedell
Through these reflections, I invite you, the reader, to reflect on a given topic and then seek deeper answers through prayer, additional spiritual reading, and/or consultation with clergy or other qualified persons in order to grow in your faith and understanding of God’s love and will for your life.
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