"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Finding Joy

 Finally, after a year’s delay, the Olympians are competing in Tokyo. The athletes’ excitement is palpable! Fans aren’t allowed in the stands, so their friends and families are hosting watch parties, shouting and cheering as if they were right there in Japan. (Do your mood a huge favor and google ‘watch party in Alaska.’)  Competitors are embracing each other. Both veteran and first-time Olympians are happily celebrating their teammates’ successes. While some commentators seem to be dwelling on the negative, the athletes are savoring this experience. There’s a lesson here for the rest of us.

“…the joy of the Lord is your strength.” --Nehemiah 8:10

God created us to be joyful people, even during a pandemic! We want to celebrate special occasions and victories with each other. We feel connected when we laugh together or work toward a common goal. We get an emotional boost when we lift up the spirits of others. The Bible is full of references to joy, song, praise, happiness, peace, mercy, love, kindness, etc. God wants us to experience all of it; He wired us to want joy and goodness in our lives.

A joyful spirit is not a Pollyanna attitude that ignores the sufferings of others, including clinical depression or other mental illness. Having a joyful spirit doesn’t mean we never feel sad, lonely, or disappointed. Feeling the full spectrum of emotions is part of our human existence; we’re even called to bear one another’s burdens. The joy I’m talking about comes from a deep-down assurance that God loves us, is with us, and will give us what we need in all circumstances if we but ask Him to. It resists giving in to despair and the evil spirits that want to drag us down. It fights against getting stuck in the habit of complaining, pointing out others’ weaknesses, and stewing over our difficulties.  A joyful spirit focuses on God’s loving-kindness for us, which strengthens our resolve to stay close to Him and let Him fill us with His grace. It gives us the desire and courage to look for the gifts of each day and in each other. And so, like the Olympians who are relishing this chance of a lifetime, with joy let’s look for and savor God’s blessings, every day.

Do I take a moment each morning to think about something I can look forward to? Do I allow myself to express joy, and encourage others to do the same?

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances;

for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”--1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

 “Lord, may my day today be a joyful gift back to You.”

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