"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Jesus Feeds the Multitude and Us


John 6:1-15

There are several stories in the Bible of Jesus preaching to large crowds. Imagine thousands of people walking and following Him wherever He went, hanging onto His every word. Jesus must have possessed a cheerful and magnetic personality for so many people to want to be close to Him.  Maybe they were drawn to His kindness as He cured the sick and healed the crippled. Maybe they felt uplifted as He spoke of the Father’s immense love for each of them. Maybe He gave them hope when He forgave their sins.

The story of Jesus feeding 5,000, also called “the miracle of five loaves and two fish,” is the only miracle found in all four Gospels. As He taught that day, Jesus knew the people were getting hungry. He was aware of their needs, and He wanted to take care of them. His disciples saw no way to feed the crowd, but Jesus did. Not only did He feed them, He gave them more than they needed!

God knows what we need, too. He wants to give us what we need, and more besides -- not necessarily what we want, but certainly what we need. Do we ask for what we need, or for what we think we want? Do we open our minds to what God may give us in His wisdom? Do we pray “Thy will be done” with sincerity? If you’re at a crossroads or are facing a particularly difficult challenge, take time to sit quietly. Ask God to show you the first step toward a solution, and then the next step after that. He knows what you need even before you do, and He wants to feed you with His love, wisdom, and guidance. When you think about how to resolve your dilemma, which options bring you peace, and which ones bring angst? If our actions bring us peace, that’s a good indication that’s the better choice.

Letting God lead us and feed us is, ultimately, what will bring us happiness, holiness, and peace.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” --Philippians 4:6-7

“Lord, feed me with Your love, guidance, and grace.”

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