“Lord, do not cast me away from Your presence...Give me again the joy of Your help, and renew within me a steadfast spirit.” --Psalm 51:11, 12
Listen to
Christ answer your prayer: “Let Me help
you. Become like a child in your faith and trust in Me. You don’t have to have
all the answers because I have the answers. You don’t have to have it all
figured out because I do. I see what you can’t see and I know what you don’t
“Every day, spend some time with Me in
prayer, and listen. I will guide you. Stay focused on what you sense Me telling
you. Take it one small step at a time, and you’ll have peace. You’ll feel joy
again because you’re trying to stay close to Me.
“Yes, you have difficulties in this
world. This world is only your temporary home. Look beyond your troubles and
see what awaits you: heaven. Remember that I have prepared a place for you to be
with Me forever in heaven. Until that time, I need you to continue what I
started. I need you to bring My love to this fallen world in ways that only you
can, and I have given you My Spirit to do it. The desire and power are already
inside you.
"So trust Me, and let yourself be glad. I am always
with you. Did you hear Me? I am with you! In your heart is My love; in your
mind is My peace; in your soul is My Spirit. Don’t let Satan distract you from
these; don’t listen to his lies of gloom and despair. I have carved you in the
palm of My hand. Sit with Me a while, and listen to the words of love I whisper
in your heart. Let your heart believe what I tell you, and celebrate.
“The Kingdom of God is within you. I
love you. I am with you.”
“Thank You, Lord.”
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6812 Broadview
Parma, OH