"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Setting Spiritual Goals


“He resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem.” –Luke 9:51

They say if you want something to happen, make it happen.

Jesus traveled to Jerusalem knowing full well it was there that He would be put to death. He also knew that His death and subsequent resurrection would fulfill His mission of salvation, and He was determined to go to Jerusalem to make that happen.

What do we want to make happen? Do we have spiritual goals? Do we ask God to guide us, and open our hearts to what we sense Him showing us? Do we try to fill our part of the world with love and peace while we work, or do we focus only on the material gains? Do we use our time, our gifts, and our finances to benefit our neighbor, or just ourselves? Are we determined to love and serve others even when it’s inconvenient or expensive?

This isn’t only about making big decisions like choosing a career path or spending hours volunteering at a soup kitchen. It’s about making good things happen through smaller choices like welcoming to the neighborhood the woman who wears a sari; doing a favor for someone who can’t return the favor; or listening to understand – and not condemn -- someone with a point of view that’s different from yours. It’s about being persistent in loving and serving our neighbor as ourselves (see Luke 10:27-37).

It takes determination and sometimes courage to reach for spiritual goals. Listen to what our Lord may be saying to you, especially when you need a little extra inspiration or encouragement:

Let no one squelch the fire within you.

Let no one smother the Spirit within you.

Do not let the behavior of others bring you down.

Do not close yourself up.

Don’t listen to the evil one who tries to whisper doubts and accusations to you.

Do not listen to the voices that accuse, ridicule, mock, or lie. These are small annoyances; My love is greater.

Focus on Me and listen only to My Voice of Love.

Open your mind and your heart to the people and circumstances around you.

Continue to do good, and strive to do good in secret.

Your reward is in heaven. Don’t look for rewards here.

Shake off the dust from your heart, clear your mind of darkness, and strive to shine and share the light of My love with your people, your acquaintances, and the individuals you encounter today.

 “Lord, help me to persist in loving and serving You in all people, especially when I find it difficult to do so.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell    

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