"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

The Time Is Now


 “Prepare the way of the Lord.” – Isaiah 40:3

Advent might well be the time of preparation, but we’re preparing for more than the December 25 holiday. Advent is about recognizing that God is with us now.

Yes, we prepare to celebrate that day when God came to earth as a helpless baby. Our God came to earth! He became one of us so that we could become more like Him now -- by loving like He does, now.

We also acknowledge that God lives in us -- now. He’s in the ideas that ‘pop into our heads’ to reach out to someone in need. He’s in the joy, compassion, patience, and peace we feel when we give of ourselves to others. We bring God closer to us when we take a moment several times during our day – such as when we’re sitting at a red light, walking in the hallway, or standing at the stove – to say ‘thanks’ to Him.

Advent also reminds us of His Second Coming. Whether that happens at the end of time or at the time of our own death, we know that each of us will have to give an account of how we loved during our lifetime. And so we reflect on the now, on the big and little decisions we make each day and notice when we have been kind, helpful, and generous to the people around us.

The time is now. We have only today, only the present moment, to choose kindness over meanness, service over apathy, and compassion over self-centeredness. Let’s prepare for our Lord’s coming by asking Him to expand our hearts and make them more like His. Let’s love as He loves: the stranger, the homeless, the lonely, and anyone whom we perceive as being different from us.

Let’s let His loving presence now transform us from complacent beings to active participants in His mission of Love. Let’s look ahead to the day when we will meet Him face to face and see Him smile at us saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).

 “Lord, let me see You here, now, with me.  Let my attitudes and actions be Yours.”


Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2022 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! Feel free to share it with your friends by clicking on one of the icons below. Thanks!

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