"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Dare to Look Deeper


“Make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.” –Ezekiel 18:31

I haven’t had much luck with house plants in the past but right now, to my surprise and delight, I have half a dozen plants that seem to be thriving. One of them is commonly called a ‘prayer plant’ because its leaves reach up toward the heavens when the sun goes down, and then set back down again at sunrise. It’s quite large, bushy, and beautiful.

Last week while I was watering it, I looked deep into the center of the plant, where all the stems come up together out of the soil. I was surprised to see many dead leaves in there! I realized I had paid attention to the outer leaves but failed to routinely inspect and water the center and interior of the plant. So, I cut away those dead leaves and stems, and this time watered the whole plant.

That got me thinking about my spiritual life. I invite you to ask yourself the same kinds of questions that I asked myself: Do I tend to pay attention only to the ‘outer part’ of my spiritual life, even during Lent – for example, how and when I pray, fast, and give alms – or do I also dare to look deep down inside of me to examine if my attitudes, actions, and motives are rooted in love? When I pray, do I let our Lord transform my heart and make me more like Him in what I think, say, and do? Have I been ‘fertilizing’ the faith He gave me at my baptism by reading and meditating on His words, seeking Him and serving Him in the people around me, and caring for the Earth He created? Have I been receptive, like good soil, to what He wants to do through me? Have I been ‘watering’ my relationships with the people closest to me? Is there a destructive habit or other ‘dead branch’ in my life that needs to be pruned away? 

Let’s dare to look deep into our hearts and let our Lord transform us into His likeness, as He created us to be.

“Lord, penetrate the depths of my heart. Make me more like You.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! 

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