I suspect that the local farmers and gardeners danced in the rain last week. After nearly a month of no rain, the heavens finally opened up and drenched the crops. Surely, a huge sigh of relief went up to the heavens from those who grow our food.
If you could control the weather, you’d make sure your own garden got plenty of sunshine and rain, right? Would you be concerned with your friends’ gardens also? What about your cantankerous neighbor’s garden? Also, you’d let the sun shine on your own family’s cookout; would you provide sunshine for that neighbor’s picnic also?
Notice that God doesn’t play favorites. He lets the sun shine and the rain fall everywhere, on everyone. The same is true of His love.
Christ continually showers His love on all of us, trying to get our attention, hoping we notice, wanting us to let His Spirit of love and peace permeate our fearful hearts just as the rain soaks the dry, hardened earth. He does all this because He desires to bring us closer to Himself. He wants us to believe that He will always love us, and to see ourselves as He sees us: beloved children of God.
Jesus didn’t discriminate when He called His disciples; He saw the good in each person and their potential for even greater good, even in individuals who had been labeled ‘bad,’ like Matthew the tax collector.
We tend to judge ourselves and each other as being ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ but Christ sees the good in all of us and the potential for greater good. He sees your goodness. He wants you to see it, even if you’ve let yourself be labeled as ‘bad’ by someone else. You are precious to Him!
Christ asks us to look for the goodness in others, too, and share His love and peace with them, especially those who are the hardest to reach. That cold and angry neighbor… have you reached out to her with a sincere, friendly greeting or any tangible sign of kindness? Have you considered that maybe she feels unloved or unlovable? Have you prayed for her? Maybe your persistent kindness – God’s love for her expressed through you – could be all that’s needed to soften her heart, just as the rain softens the parched soil.
“I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for He makes His sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust.” – Matthew 5:44-45
“Lord, help me see my neighbors as You see them, and love them as You love me.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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