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After you buy a new item of clothing, chances are you remove something from your closet that’s old, something that’s still in decent shape but you just don’t wear any more, and donate it. This makes room for the new item, cuts down on clutter, and lets someone else benefit from your purchase. Sometimes it’s tempting to hang onto our old comfortable garments, though, even if they don’t fit as well as they used to.
Just like it’s good to get rid of our old clothing, we might also be better off without some of our old habits. Jesus mentions pouring ‘new wine into new wineskins.’ He’s challenging us to get rid of our old, selfish ways and allow Him to pour the ‘new wine’ of His Spirit into our ready hearts to transform us into more loving people.
Here are some questions to ask yourself:
Am I hanging onto old, familiar patterns of thought, speech, or behavior that have caused difficulties for myself or others?
Am I holding onto past hurts or regrets?
Do I recognize that my old, selfish ways are robbing me of the joy and peace Christ wants me to experience?
Will I let God expand my heart with more of His love and grace so that I love others in more concrete ways, and in ways that I could never do without His power working in me?
Am I willing to go out of my comfort zone and look for new opportunities to love and serve Christ in others?
Have I persisted in prayer? If my prayers feel stagnant, am I willing to change how I pray?
These questions might guide you toward becoming the most loving and joyful person God created you to be.
Christ knows you’re seeking the peace He so often talked about. He sees your efforts at prayer. The memorized prayers you learned as a child are powerful and can give structure to your prayer time. You might also try praying using your own words. Start by looking with new wonder at His creation and expressing to Him what comes from your heart.
Also, to make Mass (or your own church service) more meaningful – more prayerful – sometimes it helps to get to church about 20 minutes early to read that day’s Scripture readings in the missalette. Read slowly and let the words sink in. God speaks to you through them; pay attention to which words strike you.
The new year is a time for renewal – for your renewal.
Let’s ask our Lord to help us abandon our old ways. Let’s make room in our hearts and let His Spirit fill us with more of His grace to make us like new.
“New wine is poured into fresh wineskins.” – Mark 2:22
“Lord, transform me with Your love and grace.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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Feeling a need for renewal- but it feels really scary. There is comfort in my old (bad) habits but I appreciate your suggestions on how/where I can start.