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“I don’t sense God’s presence in my life,” the email from one of my blog followers read. “How do I go about changing this?” The gentleman went on to say he suspects that many other people feel the same way.
If you can relate to this sentiment, take heart! All of us experience 'spiritual dryness' at times. Even the saints do – and for some, it’s more the norm than the exception: Apparently, during most of the years she cared for people who were dying in the streets of Calcutta, St.Teresa felt nothing from God. Yet she continued the work He’d asked her to do, her work of love, even though she didn’t sense that He noticed.
Hers is a good example to follow. In our journey with Christ, it’s important to act on the facts and not on our feelings. We know He created and loves us, so we thank Him for that. We look for and thank Him for our many blessings – from our waking up in the morning, to our work, family, and friends, and everything else we can think of during our day. This is what St. Paul meant when he said to 'pray without ceasing' (1 Thessalonians 5:17).
Looking for Christ and His blessings may not give us the feeling of closeness we want, but it may lead us to see Him working in our lives in ways we hadn't noticed before. That increases our sense of gratitude.
How do we actively seek Christ? As with anything else, it takes time and effort. Start by setting aside at least 10 minutes a day for Him; try to gradually add more time. The best way to make this a habit is to link it with something you already do every day – maybe right after a meal. Thank Him for that time. Tell Him whatever is on your mind, or be quiet and don’t say anything other than thanks. Pay attention to what thoughts come to you; these may be from Him.
You may want to read a few lines of Scripture. Choose something at random, or google ‘Mass readings for today.’ Read them slowly and see what words strike you. Stay with those and see what thoughts come to mind. Christ may be trying to speak to you through those few words.
Stick with your planned time even if you get restless after only a few minutes. You may find that the last few minutes seem to be when the most thoughts and inspirations come to you -- not the first minutes.
Above all, don’t let your discouragement stop you from praying and doing what you believe Christ wants you to do. Remember that, where every prayer and act is done with Love, regardless of your feelings, there is Christ.
“Simon and those who were with him pursued Him… and said, ‘Everyone is looking for you.’” –Mark 1:36-37
“Lord, I will look for You even when You seem distant. Thank You for loving me.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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