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“Life is short, and we do not have too much time to gladden the hearts of those around us. So be swift to love and make haste to be kind…” – From a funeral at Church of Our Savior Episcopal in Akron, Ohio
Mourners filled the pews for Beth’s funeral on Monday afternoon, plus the 30 of us who sang in the choir for her service. It was a blessing to be part of it: her 57 short years on earth had been filled with music, laughter, and love.
If there’s anything that gives us a wake-up call about how we’re spending our time, it’s a funeral. We’re reminded of how quickly the years pass, and it encourages us to examine what we’re doing with the time we have here on earth.
Holy Week begins on Sunday. It might be a good idea to use these last days before Easter to examine how we’re spending our time, and make changes where necessary.
We can ask ourselves:
How do I share God’s love with those around me on a daily basis?
How, and how often, do I let the people who are important to me know that I love them?
Have I given our Lord time and opportunities through prayer to reach into my heart and make me more patient, compassionate, and generous?
What concrete steps have I taken during this Lenten season to improve my relationship with God and with the people I care about? What reminders can I give myself to continue these practices after Easter?
In addition to my responsibilities for myself and my family, when was the last time I gave of myself to benefit someone who can’t return the favor or pay me back?
If one of these questions struck a chord with you, remember: it’s never too late to make a change.
Maybe our Lord is asking us to change how we approach the people around us. If we’re habitually impatient, apathetic, or stingy toward others, then now’s the time to ask our Lord to soften our heart and mold it to be more like His.
Maybe we would benefit from treating ourselves with more kindness. If we think of ourselves as being loving, forgiving, and kind, we’ll eventually convince ourselves of it and live up to our own expectations. And when we’re more loving toward ourselves, we’ll be more compassionate toward others.
Change takes time. If we don’t use our time to make those changes, and if we always do what we’ve always done, then nothing will change – neither in our hearts, in our relationships, or in our community. Our relationship with God and with others will stagnate.
There’s still time. Take steps toward bringing God’s Kingdom of Love to the people around you. Not just because Easter is coming, but because you still have life to live.
“...make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.” – Ezekiel 18:31
“Lord, help me change my heart and make it more like Yours.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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