"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

What Do You Want?

Photo credit: Free-images.com

Our friend Len shouldn’t be alive today. Watching him build a fence around his yard and remodel their home, you’d never know that this man, now in his 70s, almost died. Twice. Len had a near-death experience 45 years ago, and more than 15 years ago was told he had months to live. He was in so much pain that he asked God to let him die. That’s when someone suggested he see an MD in Cleveland who had a reputation for treating -- and healing -- terminal cases like his. Len made an appointment and let this physician, Dr. Issam Nemeh, treat him in his office. Len was healed immediately. Later, when he saw his own doctors, they were shocked. 

Dr. Nemeh is adamant that it’s God, not he, Who does the healing. He’s quick to point out that Jesus healed people 2,000 years ago and continues to heal people today.

In Mark’s gospel we read about the blind man Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52). As Jesus walked by, Bartimaeus cried out, “Son of David, have pity on me.” Jesus called him over and asked him, “What do you want Me to do for you?”  

Why did Jesus ask him this? Wasn’t it obvious that Bartimaeus wanted to see? Jesus asked because He wanted Bartimaeus to have clear in his mind what he wanted Jesus to do. If Bartimaeus could see, his life would change, so asking took courage. Christ also wanted the crowd to see the connection between Bartimaeus’ faith and his healing. 

Do you want anything from Christ? Any kind of healing? Physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual? How would you answer Christ’s question?

He’s asking you: “What do you want Me to do for you?” 

Maybe you want Christ to ‘make it better’ but haven’t asked Him for anything specific. Maybe you’ve become complacent. Maybe you’re afraid of what might be asked of you if you’re healed. Maybe you don’t believe Christ can heal you.

Christ wants you to trust Him to do for you what you want Him to do. He wants you to ask so that He can heal you. When you ask Him for anything, your humble prayers acknowledge His power, and your faith is strengthened. When you ask Him to rid you of your pain, you become more like Christ because He, too, begged the Father to spare Him the pain of His passion and death. When your prayer isn’t answered as you wanted it to be, ask Him to use your pain for some kind of good for someone else. That gives purpose to your suffering. 

Let Christ open your eyes to how our loving God can heal you, strengthen you, bring you closer to Himself and, in the process, make you more like Him.

 “Jesus said to (Bartimaeus), ‘What do you want Me to do for you?’ The blind man replied to Him, ‘Master, I want to see.’ Jesus told him, ‘Go. Your faith has saved you.’”

–Mark 10:51-52

“Lord, ________________”

(If you’d like to hear Len’s story, go to BLIND FAITH LIVE! Real People. Real Miracles. on Apple Podcasts   Scroll way down to November 25, 2013, and you’ll find “The Miracle Story of Leonard.” In this podcast, Len and Dr. Nemeh relay Len’s story to the radio personality you may know as Trapper Jack.)

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! 

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