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Much of the ground around our house is clay. If we were to put in a vegetable garden, we would have to bring in a great deal of nutrient-rich soil to ensure we get the best ‘fruits’ from our efforts. We’d also have to put up a tall fence to keep the deer away.
In our spiritual life, our hearts are the soil. The seed is the word of God, and Christ is the sower. Whether we’re full of ‘hardened clay’ or ‘rich soil’ will affect how readily we’ll accept the seeds Christ wants to plant in our hearts – and, therefore, what kind of effect we’ll have on our world. In other words, how much and what kind of ‘fruit’ we’ll produce.
How can you fill your heart with ‘rich soil’?
Set aside time each day, even a little time, for God. Let Him plant more seeds of His grace and blessings in your heart. He’s not an abstract figure out in cyberspace somewhere. He’s your loving Creator Who’s always with you and Who waits for you to reach out to Him so that you’re able to receive all He has to give you. If you’re not sure where to start, open one of the Gospels. The Bible is not simply a book that was written a long time ago. It’s the living Word of God, and He uses it to speak to you – when you give Him the time to do so. Read slowly until something strikes you; then stop and pay attention to the thoughts that come to you about those words.
Why does this matter?
Spending time with our Lord softens our hearts to receive more of His grace, power, peace, love, and joy. It strengthens us to be and do what He created us for. With Him, we’re more willing and able to reach out to others, especially those who are less fortunate than we are. We become more benevolent and more generous; we give others the benefit of the doubt; we see others from God’s perspective; we feel grateful for the opportunities received and are compassionate toward those who didn’t have those same opportunities; we grow in humility; we use our gifts and talents not only for ourselves or family but also for the benefit of our community.
It’s important to take precautions, too. A fence is put up to keep deer away from a garden; similarly, take steps to protect your heart from whatever lures you away from Christ. Ask Him to show you what those things are.
Just like tiny seeds grow into bountiful vegetables with the proper soil, our efforts produce much greater ‘fruit’ when done with Christ than if we tried to do it all on our own.
Give Him the time to enrich the soil of your heart.
“But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.”
–Matthew 13:8
“Lord, help me produce fruit with You, and for You.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2024 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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