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By some standards, Christmas is over. The radio stations have gone back to playing their usual selections. Stores are putting out Valentine’s Day merchandise, and kids are settling down to play with their new toys from Santa.
For Christians, though, Christmas Day is just the beginning. The celebration of Christmas is our reminder of Whose we are, Whose example we claim to imitate, and Who gives us the power to imitate Him.
These reminders spur us out of our complacency. Now is not the time to go back to our old way of doing things, as the radio stations have done. Rather, now is the time for us to examine how closely we’ve been following our Lord and His example. Now is the time to set fire to our lukewarm faith and let it propel us toward Him and everything He lovingly commands us to do. It’s time to abandon any practices or habits we’ve slid into that have pulled us away from the people we love. It’s time to start giving more of ourselves to those in need in specific, measurable ways. It’s time to take concrete steps to strengthen our relationship with our Lord, through prayer and the sacraments, so that we may become even more like Him in the new year. We know that doing these things will bring us the happiness we’re craving.
Listen to what our Lord may be saying to you today:
I want you close to Me. I’m with you. Do you notice?
It doesn’t matter what others are doing. What are you doing?
It doesn’t matter what your past looks like. You can still start again today.
Step toward Me. Look for Me.
Look for Me smiling at you when you first look outside in the morning.
See Me trying to get your attention with the unexpected surprises you encounter in nature.
My blessings are all around you. Do you notice them?
Is today just like any other day or are you looking for Me?
Are you willing to give up something that’s precious to you so that I can replace it with something better?
Are you willing to empty your hands and heart of those things you’re attached to that have wedged their way between you and Me? Do you even see the distance between us?
I want you close to Me. I want to show you all the joy that living in My love can bring you. That’s why I came to earth: to show you a better way – the way that will give you the joy and peace you’re so desperately seeking.
Christmas Day was just the beginning. Let’s use today to start anew by giving more of our time, our resources, and our very selves to our Lord.
“The way we may be sure that we know Jesus is to keep His commandments. Whoever says, ‘I know Him,’ but does not keep His commandments is a liar.” –1 John 2:3-4
“Lord, show me the way toward You.”
Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell Comments are always welcome!
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