"Encourage each other daily, while it is still today." -Hebrews 3:13

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Make Peace Happen

Photo credit: Free-images.com

They say, “If you want something to happen, make it happen.” So often we hope, wish, or pray for something in particular without taking action to make it happen. Sometimes we put all the responsibility on God: “If it’s God’s will...” We sit back and wait for the right time or the right opportunity and then wonder why nothing is happening.

Between the internet, the library, and our favorite book stores, we have many resources available to us if we want to learn how to do just about anything. Learn how to knit, stick to a budget, or play the harmonica? There are books and YouTube videos that will show us how to get started. Strengthen our body or our relationships? There are resources for that, too. If we want to accomplish anything, we have to put in the effort to make it happen.  

The same is true of our spiritual life. Are we using these weeks of Advent to recognize God’s peaceful presence with us and to share His peace with our world, or are we simply scrambling to get things checked off our list? 

Yes, there is much to do. Don’t let the to-do list smother the peace our Lord came to bring. Don’t let the to-do’s wreck the love you’re trying so hard to express through gifts. Sit quietly for a few moments and ask our Lord to guide you. What gifts can you give that are both simple and meaningful? Is there someone who could help you with the shopping, baking, meal prep, or wrapping? 

Don’t wish for peace these last days before Christmas; make peace happen. 

Pray for the person you’re shopping or baking for. Thank God for them and ask Him to pour His blessings upon them in a tangible way.

Slow down and notice the people around you. Greet cashiers and other shoppers with a smile and “Merry Christmas!” Make it a game and keep count of how many return the greeting!

When you do your tasks God’s way – with peace in your heart and love as your goal – you’ll bring joy to both your preparations and your celebrations. 

So, stay mindful of Christ’s presence with you as you shop, bake, and wrap. Share His peace with others and, in the process, you’ll bring joy to yourself and the world around you. Your final days of Advent will be holy and not simply a race to the finish line.

“For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” –Matthew 11:30

“Lord, help me share Your peace as I prepare for Christmas.”

Thank you for reading my reflection. © 2023 Gina Bedell     Comments are always welcome! 

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Pray for peace in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and around the world. Donate toward a cause that tugs at your heart. Take care of those around you; take care of our planet. Pray for the families around the globe whose lives have been torn apart by war and natural disasters.

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